Psalm 23:1

Scripture Reading - Psalms 23:1 KJV

A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.

In today’s lesson we will look into the 23rd Psalm historically known as the psalm of “The Good Shepherd”. Of course the Good Shepherd is no doubt the Lord Jesus Christ because in the New Testament according to St. John 10:14 Jesus boldly proclaims, “I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine.” Plus it always stands to reason when the psalmist uses the words “The Lord” and we confess Jesus as “our Lord” knowing fully well that “He Is Thee Lord” there is none other who can proclaim this title or assume this awesome position. For our Lord is “Thee Lord Jesus Christ” and His sacrificing Himself for His sheep is a divine act of God’s grace and mercy. Think about it for one brief moment, sheep are always sacrificed for the shepherd to eat or sold for the pleasure (desire) of another. However Jesus did the exact opposite for us He as our single Shepherd (our Lord and Savior) sacrificed Himself just so that His very own beloved sheep could be saved, healed and delivered. This article is taking the time to magnify The Lord because what good would it be to have hurting sheep (already trapped in bondage) accompanied by a weak shepherd, who could do nothing about it. That is not the case with us because in our specific case “The Lord” being our “personal shepherd” is a monument of strength and courage and power. Surely, “Thee Lord” is strong in battle and mighty in power for who is able to stand before Him? Yes, who is even foolish enough to challenge His immutable authority over all the forces of darkness including victory over all the devil’s kingdom. Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd is the only God-Man to lay down His Life as a sacrifice for our sins as sheep and pick-it back up again as the full payment for all the sins of the world through deeds with words and also all the sins of people living in the world (sinners by nature, born of the flesh, not God). This deeper understanding of just how awesome Jesus Is is the very reason “we shall not want”. Although this psalm is very popular many believers gloss right over the second part of this verse which speaks about “not wanting”. We however, shall not do that but rather we will emphasize the truth of “not wanting anything” today, tomorrow or forever, as long as Jesus is on the Throne. Dear Saint, “Do you really think that there will be lack in Heaven so we would have wants up there? No, we don’t believe so. Church do you here what we (ihlcc) are saying. We are slowing down the pitch of our song or lowering the speed of our speech to bring clarity and truth to those who have an open heart (ear) to hear. Say this with us, “I shall not want!” Say it again, “I shall not want!” One more time, “I SHALL NOT WANT”. This is a statement of truth, why because you have a good shepherd. No, even better than a good shepherd you have “Thee Good Shepherd,” which basically means that, “The Lord Jesus Christ will take care of us!” Oh we (ihlcc) know that sounds good and people drink it up very smoothly but what we are talking about meditating upon this truth for months or years at a time. Yes, until we can literary remove “all wants” you are not there yet with the full revelation of having all your needs met with your desires being fulfilled (included) too. Moreover, when we speak of “no wants” we are proclaiming that truth in all spheres that we live in. This means I don’t want for love because Jesus loves me endlessly. We don’t want for money because my God has (and shall) supplied all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. I don’t want for peace because Jesus personally gave me peace like a river. We don’t even want for any type of healing simply because by His (Jesus) stripes we were healed. I don’t want for a friend because Jesus is my very own intimate friend that sticks closer than a brother. We don’t want for a better family because Jesus personally brought us into the Family of God, Holy and Precious in His Sight. Yes, we don’t want for anything because “The Lord is my shepherd, so I shall not want.” There is nothing, no nothing, no absolutely nothing, nothing that is too difficult for God in the person of “The Good Shepherd”, our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This is why having the “The LORD” as our “Good Shepherd” puts all things into our favor and reality. Yes, no mountain is too high for us to climb when Jesus is with us and no valley is too dark or dangerous for us to pass through with the Light of Jesus surrounding us. Why, simply because with Jesus as our very own Shepherd no mischief or evil can be fall us. Yeah though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death God is with me His Name and His Blood sustains and protects me. No little child needs to fight the bullies of his life when his Strong Big Brother, as his Protector is around him. So the key is stay in Christ Jesus and then you will be in Him and He will abide in you such that you don’t ever need to face the enemy alone but rather you will be strong in The Lord and in the power of His Might. You don’t need to “want for anything” upon this earth and you certainly don’t need to want for things outside this earth like going to Heaven because your name is already written in the Lamb’s Book of Eternal Life. So rejoice dear child of God for “The Lord is your Shepherd and because He is “The Good Powerful Providing Shepherd” you don’t need to “want for anything” because you have all things in Christ Jesus. Amen! Whatever you need or desire the Name of the Good Shepherd (Jesus) can provide it via God’s Word and His Love. It is solely because we know Him well both intimately and practically that we can sense His unfailing presence bring us spiritual, mental and physical provision at our point of need. He knows us and likewise we know Him through the knowledge of the Holy Bible with the help of understanding through His Holy Spirit, “The Divine Gift” from “the Divine Good Shepherd”, Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen!